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Alimony After 20 Years of Marriage in California

Understanding Alimony After 20 Years of Marriage in California In California, alimony—also known as spousal support—plays a significant role in divorce proceedings, particularly in long-term marriages. After 20 years of marriage, the implications for alimony can be substantial. Understanding what happens to alimony after 20 years of marriage in California is crucial for both spouses as they navigate the divorce process. What Is Alimony After 20 Years of Marriage in California? Alimony after 20 years of marriage in California is often treated differently than in shorter marriages. In California, a marriage lasting more than 10 years is considered a "long-term" marriage. For long-term marriages, the courts are more likely to order alimony for an extended period, possibly even indefinitely. This is particularly true when one spouse has been out of the workforce for a significant amount of time or has sacrificed career advancement to support the other spouse's career or to ca